The BackDoor Bible Series: A Lesson Series for Youth (14-40)
# | Lesson Title | Objective |
100 | The Kings Son | Help us realize that we all deserve death but God loved us so much that he sent his only son (Jesus) to take our place so that we might live. |
101 | A Sense of Belonging | Help us let go of the worlds model of belonging and recognize God’s model for acceptance and take hold of it. |
102 | The Cost of Following Jesus | Help us realize that there is a cost (at least in a worldly sense) to being a Christian |
103 | God’s Concern for the One | Help us realize that God is concerned for the wayward, wants us to return, wants to forgive and to restore us. |
104 | The Value of Faith | Help us realize that our ability to have faith in God is very valuable to God and that he works to develop it in us. |
105 | The Lost Scriptures | Help us realize that being committed to God includes being committed to staying in Gods word. |
106 | A Test of the Mind | Help us realize how important it is to manage our thoughts according to Gods guidelines. |
107 | An Eternal View | Help us realize that we are already eternal beings and how this concept affects how we will live our life on earth. |
108 | Of Power and Strength | To help us realize that God’s words are very powerful and effective because He is behind them. |
109 | Effective Prayer | To help us understand how to pray effectively and deal with requests that do not appear to be answered. |
110 | A Tempting Situation | To help us realize how temptation and our sinful nature combine to lead us into sin and understand how to resist. |
111 | That Hideous Doctrine | To help us understand the nature of eternal punishment and what God says about it. |
112 | My Real Home | To help us understand the nature of heaven, a believers real home. |
113 | The Enemy | To help us understand the nature of Satan and his mission against God and mankind. |
114 | The Alternative to the Struggle | To help us realize that Jesus offers an alternative to the struggles of life that make us weary and heavily burdened. |
115 | Origins of Faith | To help us realize where the ability to have faith in Christ comes from. |
116 | The Imminent Return | To help us understand that Jesus can return at any moment. |