The 7 Churches of Revelation
Provides historical perspcetive on the 7 chruches, a
chart and a discussion of who the "overcomers" might be
Rev 2-3, 1 John, & 2 John
Trent C. Holman Bible Dictionary .
Lawrence O. The Bible Readers Companion
as Appendix A
1. Letters of encouragement, rebuke and promise to the early churches in Asia Minor.
on purification to churches
of responsibility to church leaders
Each letter seems to contain similar elements usually in the same order
statement of who the letter is addressed to.
statement naming an identifying
attribute or capability about the author.
statement indicating the recipients are "known" by the author.
statement of what the author appreciates about the recipient.
statement of disappointment about some problem that exists.
statement of advice on who to deal with the disappointment.
threatened response should the problem not be dealt with.
word of encouragement to the faithful in the particular group addressed.
reward for those who "overcome"
The "identifying
attribute" in each letter relates to the threatened response in each
- He who walks among the lampstands, may remove the lampstand
Smyrna - He who died and came to life, can give a
crown of life
- He who has a sharp sword, may come to fight
- He who's eyes are ablaze - may cause tribulation that all may know he can
search hearts
- He who holds the 7 spirits can come like a thief
- He who holds the keys can open doors and protect
- he who is the faithful and true witness reveals the truth about people’s
Other Observations
to sins are often specific but references to deeds are more often general.
phrase "I know your deeds" and the concern about them is not present
for Smyrna and Pergamum and these appears to be churches under great
is a focus on deeds not being up to expectations for churches that are not
mentioned as being under persecution
of disappointment on the deeds of Philedelphia instead a statement of
satisfaction with their perseverance.
reference in 2:27
1:20 explains who the "stars" are and who the lampstands are. (stars
are the angels of the churches, and the lampstands are the churches.
are addressed to the "angels".
author seems concerned about the "angels" care over the church, how
they tolerate false teaching and how zealous they are for the author's name.
is referred to as the beginning of creation.
is named in 2:18 by association with descriptions in 1:14-15 as the Son of God.
list of sins includes acting as a prophet, teaching and leading others astray
in addition to immorality.
who see themselves a wealthy and needing nothing can truly be the opposite to
deeds are contrasted to Ephesus and Saris & Laodecia as growing and they
are commended whereas the others are told there deeds are languishing and they
are told to get with it. Zealousness for the authors name is encouraged.
those churches where falsehood is found the author threatens to come and do
something about it personally.
bulk of the messages seem to be written to the churches leadership. Words like
"tolerate" or "do not tolerate " seem to indicate that the problem tolerated is by
the choice of someone who can affect it. Towards the end of the messages
however there seems to be an expansion to others in the church and the
conditional promise to the one who overcomes seems also to be more general.
This is indicated by the preceding phrase
"he who has an ear let him hear what the Spirit says to the
churches". There seems to be a broadening of address here.
of the conditional promise, ""to he who overcomes" but each has
a slighly different reward.
· Ephesus - Right to eat from
the tree of life
· Smyrna -
Not be hurt by the second death
· Pergamum - Hidden Manna, white stone and a new name
· Thyatira - Authority to rule nations and the morning
· Sardis - given white garments and his name shall not
be erased from the book of life
· Philadelphia - make him a pillar in the Temple of My God
· Laodicea - will grant to Him to sit down with me on my
of appreciation come before those of disappointment
Devil is charged with the testing of people by placing them in prison
of "He who has an ear let him hear"
In Pergamum also know the Nicolations
hates the deeds of the Nicolations
Interpretive Questions: (Some with researched
was Ephesus first love? In 2 Cor 11:3
Paul admonishes believers to keep Jesus as their first love and not be led
astray by other things. Certainly the backdrop of Ephesus contained great
mixing of religion and commercialism.
were the deeds of the Nicolations? ISBE points out that while little is known
of this group, they apparently practiced violations of the Apostles commands to
avoid food scarified to idols and immorality. These 2 items are thought be the earmarks of the Nicolations and are
consistent with what happened at the feasts of the trade guilds that existed at
this time. It may be therefore that they encouraged involvement with these
pagan feasts.
is the "tree of life"? This is thought to be the same tree that
existed in the garden of Eden and is referred to as present in heaven in Rev
22. It is consistent with and somehow representative of eternal life.
is the Paradise of God? The word paradise is used in Luke 23:43 to describe
where the believing thief on the cross would be with Jesus that very day. Paul
says he was caught up there in 2 Cor 12:4. These descriptions are consistent
with Heaven. The place where Jesus currently is.
is the second death? This is explicitly stated in Rev 20:14 as being cast into
is hidden manna? Is it a reference to hidden nourishment that comes from God
like it did in Genesis? Not sure …
is the meaning of the white stone with new name given. Possibly a culturally
understood keep sake given between friends binding them. In this city there was
a custom to bind friends who might be leaving each other by writing a special
name known only to them on a small piece of white tile and then breaking it.
Each would take a piece. The tile then was a form of special bond of each
person to the other. Perhaps this is cultural reason the white stone is
offered. In this context is is a statement of binding to Christ.
is the morning star? Rev 22:16
identifies this as Christ Himself
is the meaning of Pillar in the Temple of My God ?
does crown of life refer to? Why is it attached to remaining faithful.
does sitting down on the throne with Christ give us?
are the nations that will be ruled over and in what time frame?
are the "angels" of the churches? Are these real angels, the church
leader(s), the chruch people or someone else?
Does "beginning of creation" mean the
fist created thing or the one who created?
where did the Angel of Ephesus fall from? What was the prior state that was
considered good.
Cultural/Historical Background
The city of Ephesus was a seaport on the western coat of Asia Minor. It
was the site of the temple to Artemis or
Diana as the Romans called her,
the mother goddess of the earth, a goddess of fertility. At the time of
the early church the city's culture was a mix between Greek and Asiatic. It is
noteworthy that the temple of Diana became more than a religious entity but a
commercial one as well. It owned property, did banking and acted as a museum
for the ancient world. The temple was also was a place of refuge for criminals
where none could be arrested within a bowshot of its walls. With all the mixing
of commercialism and law in this city it is no wonder that the church at
Ephesus had difficulty maintaining their focus on their first love.
Located in Asia Minor, this city was a brilliant commercial trading
center. It was known for its handsome buildings and beautiful streets.
Ultimately it became the capital of the province. It was a place of strong
persecution for early Christians as well as latter well into the middle ages. This was more from the Jewish people living
there than from the Romans. The city
was celebrated for its schools of science and medicine. The city was also a
center of Emperor worship.
Also located in Asia Minor was Pergamum, a rival city to Smyrna. While
Smyrna was a commercial and political center, Pergamum was the religious center
of the Roman province of Asia. It
featured three temples in which Roman emperors were worshiped as gods.
There was also a great deal of medical related activities done there in which
physicians healed by way of having dreams about their patients maladies while
sleeping in the temples. The city stood on a hill between two rivers and was
called the most wonderful city of east during
the reign Attalus (241-197 BC). Many Jews lived there as well. It is no wonder
Rev 2 tells us that this is the city where Satan had his throne. In this city
there was a custom to bind friends who might be leaving each other by writing a
special name known only to them on a small piece of white tile and then
breaking it. Each would take a piece. The tile then was a form of special bond
of each person to the other. Perhaps this is cultural reason the white stone is
offered. A statement of binding to Christ.
Meaning the Castle of Thya, Thyatira was a small city in
the northern part of Lydia in the Roman province of Asia. It was known for its
organized trade guilds. The guilds were involved in pagan feasts an other
immoral practices. The city also had a temple to the god Tyrimnos who is
depicted as a horseman bearing a double edged ax. A lesser female god named
Boreatne was assocaited with Tyrimnos. Another temple there was dedicated to
the god Sambethe who had a prophetess who uttered Sambethe's words. It would appear this city had the atmosphere
against which a Jezebel could thrive.
The city of Sadis was located on the Northern slope of
Mt Tmolus. The city had a moat made by the river Pactolus and was easy to
defend so it became a military stronghold. Despite this, a probably because of
it, many invading armies took the city
and made it into the headquarters for their rulers and their wealthy. The city was therefore noted for its
cultural diversity over time. The city was destroyed by earthquake in 17AD and
rebuilt by the Roman Tiberius but it did not recover its former importance. At
the time of the early church, it could be said that the city was dying. Of further interest was that while the city was
a stronghold, it was susceptible to the quiet attack of thieves that lived in
the surrounding mountains. This backdrop gives a good picture of why Jesus says
he will come like a thief if his advice is not heeded.
City of Philadelphia was on on the Cogamus river near volcanic peaks that made
the surrounding land very fertile and known for its wine. It was a younger city
than the others mentioned founded in 189 BC.
It's culture was one of an important inland trade center on a major
highway. It too was destroyed by earthquake in 17AD but quickly rebuilt. Many
Jews lived there as well and had their own synagogue.
The city
of Laodicea came to importance as a center of industry when the Roman province
of Asia was formed in 190 AD. It was noted for its black wool and Phrygian
powder for the eyes. The city had great wealth and extensive banking
operations. So rich was its people that they turned down the aid of Rome when
the city was destroyed by earthquake in 60AD and rebuilt it themselves. It is
no wonder they saw themselves as being rich and needed nothing. The city's
ruins have an aqueduct that transported water across the valley to the city
through a series of inverted siphons made of stone pipes. Perhaps the water
there was truly "lukewarm".
Who are the "Overcomers" ?
It would seem that there are a few different options for who are the
overcomers spoken of in the letters to the churches in Revelation 2 and 3. Certainly one option is that they are 1)
simply the believers, those who overcome by believing in Jesus. Another option
is that they are 2) the believers who persevere in their belief and deeds until
death. A third option might be that 3)
the overcomers are the church leaders who persevere and a fourth might
be that they are 4) the angels of the churches that persevere. Let's look at
them individually.
who overcome are simply believers.
While each letter appears to be addressed to the leader or angel of the
church, at the end of each messages
there seems to be an expansion to others in the church. The conditional promise
of rewards to the "one who overcomes" seems also to be more general
as is indicated by the preceding
phrase; "He who has an ear let him
hear what the Spirit says to the churches". Here we see that the following
promise to the overcomer is directed at the entire church.
Secondly the list of rewards offered for "overcoming" can give
us some information about who the "overcomers" are in light of other scriptures. One of the rewards, the right to eat from
the tree of life is spoken of again in Revelation in 22:14. Here the reward is
associated with those who wash their
robes. Dirty robes are associated with sin in the bible. We see this particluarly
in Zech 3:1-4. Since cleansing from sin is soley attributed in the NT to belief
in Christ, then it can be seen that the reward is available to all believers.
The other rewards spoken of such as
presence in the Paradise of God, not being hurt by the 2nd death, to
be clothed in white garments and not have his name blotted out from the book of
life are also clearly available to more than just a church leader.
And lastly the word used in the Greek text for the term
"overcome" is
"nikao". It is defined as; to conquer, to overcome, to prevail or to
get the victory. This word is used
quite a bit in the book of 1st John as well. 1 John 2:14 and 15 use
the term to describe the victory people who have "known Him who is from
the beginning" have over the evil one. I John 5:4-5 says plainly that the
one who overcomes the world is he who believes Jesus is the Son of God. For
whatever is born of God overcomes the world and this is the victory that has
overcome the world - our faith. And who is the one who overcomes the world, but
he who believes Jesus is the Son of God. (I John 5:4-5 NASB) Certainly
overcoming Satan and the world through faith in Christ is a common theme of the
New Testament and this overcoming is available to all believers. So is knowing
Christ , He who is from the beginning.
overcomes are believers who persevere in belief and deeds until death.
The messages to the seven churches do contain a lot of
strong language encouraging the church's leaders and their churches to continue
in faith and deeds. This context could be applied to the promise for the
overcomers. If the promise were taken in this context, then a case might be
created that overcomers must preserver in order to overcome. Rev 2:10's
"be faithful until death and I will give you the crown of life"
certainly paints that picture. In
addition the “overcomers promise” in the message to Thyatira also contains the
phrase 'and keeps my deeds until the end'. This appears to add a conditional
the reward, however a point could be made here that this additional condition
is prescribed because the reward offered involves receiving authority to rule
over nations. Authority to rule may be considered a reward rather than the
basis for justification. 1 Cor 3:11-15 further indicates that some will be
saved but will lose their rewards.
1 John also paints a similar picture when John writes
in 2 John 1:9 that anyone who runs ahead and does not continue in the teaching
of Christ does not have God. Such a statement seems to infer that one must
continue in the faith in order to receive the rewards of knowing God.
church leaders who endure are the overcomers.
letters to the 7 churchs are addressed to the angels of the church and if this
refers to the church leadership then it could be considered that the leaders
who endure are the overcomers. Certainly the promises relating to reigning with
Christ and ruling over nations would be consistent with the gifts of leadership
and the testing these leaders are undergoing consistent with selection them for
eternal leadership. However, the expansion of the addressing of the message
near the end of the passages opens the door to make it clear that the
“overcomers” promise is available to the entire chruch.
are Angels for each church and they are the overcomers.
Certainly there are guardian Angels and most certainly they are involved
in the protection of believers and the church but regardless of that the
overcomers promise is address to the churches themselves which can be none other
than the body of Christ, the believers.
For the
reasons explained above I think the
overcomers are simply those who believe in Jesus as Gods son, (Option 1 above).
I do believe some of the overcomers will gain more rewards than others depending
on their deeds (Cor 3:11-15) and perhaps the additional requirement to do his
will until then end is required to rule nations but that is not particularly
relavent to the question, “Who are the overcomers?” for all who believe shall
* * *
James. International Standard Bible
Encyclopedia (ISBE).
Cedar Rapids: Parsons Technology, 1998.
Trent C. Holman Bible Dictionary .
Kingston: Parsons Technology, 1998.
Lawrence O. The Bible Readers Companion
Wheaton: Victor Books 1991.
Appendix A: The 7 Churches of Revelation
Church @ |
Ephesus |
Smyrna |
Pergamum |
Thyatira |
Sardis |
Philadelphia |
Laodicea |
Observat'n |
Historical Setting |
A city where religion was mixed with commerce and law. |
A brilliant commercial city with very hostile Jews |
The religious center of the Roman Empire where emperors were worshiped |
A city of immoral pagan feasts and female priests. |
A stronghold in decline. Appears strong yet open to thieves. |
An inland trade center known for its wine |
A wealthy city of industry with lukewarm water. |
The problems the churches faced were rooted in their cultural setting. |
Authors Identifying Attribute |
2:1 He who holds stars & walks among the lampstands |
2:8 He who died yet now lives |
2:12 He who has shard 2 edged sword |
3:1 He who has the 7 Spirits of God and 7 Stars |
3:7 He who opens and closes doors |
3:14 The faithful and true Witness |
Note Relevance to Response or Advice |
What He knows |
2:2 Their Deeds |
2:9 Tribulation and Poverty |
2:13 That they live where Satan's throne is. |
2:19 Their Deeds |
3:1 Their Deeds |
3:8 Their Deeds |
3:15 Their Deeds |
Deeds are not in focus for Churchs under persecution |
What He Appreciates |
2:2 Their Toil Perseverance, Disdain for Evil Testing of Apos |
2:9 How rich they truly are |
2:13 Holding Fast to His name despite persecution |
2:19 Growing deeds, love faith service perseverence |
Nothing |
Keeping his Word (obedience) and no denial of name |
Nothing |
His interest in the growth of the disciple in faith, deeds, love, etc |
What He is Disappointed in |
2:4 Loss of first love - fallen away from early deeds |
Nothing |
2:14 Tolerance for those embracing immoral practices |
2:20 Tolerance of Jezebel |
Deeds are not complete – false reputation as Christians |
Nothing |
-Deeds are lukewarm -Focus on earthly riches |
His concern over tolerance of evil and loss of focus on Him |
His Advice |
2:5 Return to the deeds you did at first |
2:10 Do not fear suffering |
Repent of the tolerance |
2:22 Repent of her ways |
Stengthen what is about to die – obey / repent |
Hold on to what you have – I am coming soon |
Buy the right kind of Gold - Repent |
Response if ignored |
2:5 He will remove the lampstand |
None |
2:16 He will fight against them with the sword of his mouth |
Given illness suffering and death of children |
I will come like a thief |
Not needed |
I will discipline you & am about to spit you out. |
He will solve the problem and yet we should fear Him doing it |
Additional Word of Encouragement |
2:6 I too hate the deeds of the Nicolations |
2:10 A crown of life awaits! |
None |
No more burdens – Hold to what you have |
Recognition that some on you are true believers |
I will protect you from trial since you have endured well |
I am knocking and will come in if you want |
Seems to identify with the faithful |
Reward for Overcoming |
2:7 To eat of the tree of life |
2:11 Not hurt by 2nd death |
2:17 Given hidden manna, white stone and new name. |
Authority to rule nations & given the morning star |
Will not blot out name from book of life – Acknowledge to the Father |
I will make him a pillar in the temple of God |
Right to sit down with me on my throne |
Additonal Criteria "keeping My Deeds " |
Summary Msg |
Get back on track - You're drifting! |
Keep Going! I did it 1st |
Its time to clean out the church |
You’re doing good, I will handle the problem. |
Get with it ! your church is nearly dead |
Well Done. Hold on I am coming soon. |
Your on the wrong track. Earthly wealth is irrelevant |
What you are doing is Important! |