Pauline Sanctification
To understand how the apostle Paul saw the process
by which people become Holy.
Romans , 1 Corinthians, and 1& 2nd
International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, Electronic Edition
Over the last 30 years I have heard the term sanctification described in many different ways but most
often it has been used to describe the process by which God changes his chosen
people from natural sinful people into
who He ultimately wants them to be. Typically this end state is associated with
holiness. In this paper I will describe an inductive bible study I have done to
help me get into the mind of the apostle Paul and understand what his
perspective was on sanctification. To do this I will be studying the books of
Romans , 1 Corinthians, and 1& 2nd Thessalonians. Other
references in Hebrews and John are used for correlation but are not the focus
of this study.
Rom 6:6-19
A key element of sanctification is being 'freed' from slavery to sin. It
appears that Paul is saying that before conversion, a man is 'locked' to sinful
behaviors and has no other choice but to sin. After conversion that man is no
longer 'locked to sin' but has a choice. He is still prone to sin but can now
choose to follow the Holy Spirit's way instead and become a slave to
righteousness. Also seen in Rom 8:7
6:14 part of being a slave to sin, (ie. sin being a master) is being
"under the Law". This looks Paul is saying that the Law is part of
the slavery.
6:19 presenting yourself as a 'slave to righteousness', results in
sanctification. Does being a slave to righteousness mean choosing to follow the
Holy Spirit or doing good a lot or both?
6:22 The benefits of being freed from sin include a 'benefit' which is either
sanctification and eternal life or something else that results in
sanctification and eternal life. What is the 'benefit'? Here sanctification appears to be one of two
outcomes of something not just a
:4-6 & 10-13, The requirement to
uphold to the letter of the Law while still being found in flesh (ie. a mortal
body) aroused man to sin and condemned man to death. In Christ we have been released from the requirement to uphold to the letter of the
Law and rather seek to serve the Law giver in a new way through the Spirit.
7:15-24 Paul despite already having the Holy Spirit within him, still finds it
hard at time to do what he should do for the flesh (our body) is still part of
us and it desires sin.
8:5 The statement 'according to' seems to set up a comparison between two
methods of living as a exposition to convince people who are already 'in the
spirit' that they have a choice.
8-6-8 appear to refer to the unsaved (ie. being unable)
8:10 indicates that the spirit is alive in people because of righteousness.
8:12 indicates that for some reason we have an 'obligation' to live according
to the spirit. This shows the force of Paul's reasoning. Here righteousness
must relate to ascribed righteousness (right standing with God) on rather than
being morally perfect and being in Right Standing .(ie being justified) we have
an obligation to what? To live according to the spirit.
8:13 the statement "for if you live according to the spirit you are
putting to death the deeds of the body" shows the order of things. First
choose the spirits leading, the results will be no bad deeds and life. This
death and life may refer to the quality of mortal life rather that eternal
Cor 2:14-3:3 Pauls thinks of being spiritual not so much as being saved in a justification sense but rather in the
sense of whether one is actually listening to and following the Holy Spirit's
leading. Three kinds of men are described, the natural (unsaved) who are
unable to choose, the fleshly (saved, yet focused on following their
bodies desires) and the spiritual (saved and focused on following the
Holy Spirits desires).
Cor 1:18 & 2 Paul was apparently trying to counter teaching that depended
on mans wisdom or the 'wisdom of this age'. He sees that the Corinthians are
doubly confounded by trying to live according to men's ideas of religiosity
while being focused on the desired of their mortal bodies. This would indicate
the acceptability in the Corinthian church of immorality while still holding up
a religious system of works of some kind.
Cor 1:20 clearly states that Jesus
became not only wisdom for us but also righteousness (right standing with God),
sanctification and redemption. This is a past tense statement. So some aspect
of sanctification must have already occurred.
General Observations
often used peoples past 'sanctification' as a reason they should behave
uses the fact of their sanctification as
the reason they are able to behave morally.
saw their living up to their 'sanctification' as a way to become triumphant
over sin while living in a mortal body.
was writing about this 'sanctification' that already occurred to a people who
were very confused and immoral.
use of the term sanctification carries a distinct parallel to the old testament
concept of holiness where someone or something was declared 'dedicated' or 'set
aside for God'.
appears to have a positional element, an element of calling, a salvation
element, a future element, a moral element and is even a factor in the lives of
those outside of Christ.
are 5 Greek words that are commonly translated sanctification or holiness in
the writings of Paul. There are;
Word Meaning / Semantic Range from THE NASB Greek
G37 hagiazo ; to make holy, consecrate,
sanctify; - hallowed(2), keep himself
holy(1), sanctified(16), sanctifies(2), sanctify(7) ; verb
G38 hagiasmos ; consecration, santification,
- sanctification (8); santifying work(1), santity(1) ;
G40 hagios; sacred, holy - Holy (92),
holy(62), Holy of Holies(1), holy ones(1), holy place(7), most holy(1),
saint(1), saints(59), sanctuary(52), saints(1) ; adjective
G41 hagiotes; santity; holiness - holiness(2) ; noun
G42 hagiosune; holiness - holiness(2) ; noun (feminine)
Word Study Options
The word sanctify or sanctification is scripture seems to have 4
different meanings. The first meaning
is to devote or consecrate something or someone to God and or recognize that
this has occurred and recognize that thing or person as holy and belonging to
God the Holy one. This is the regular O.T. usage and also the most common in
the N.T. In the N.T. this position of
belonging is described as having already occurred in the life of one who has
believed in Christ and is associated with justification. This usage may be
described as positional since is is granted a believer on conversion and is
soley a work of God. This 'belonging'
also had demands associated with it, for people these were primarily associated
with righteousness. The new testament
deepens these demands unto whole hearted surrender to the rule of the Holy
2) The second meaning found mostly in the N.T.
is the process of making a believers life functionally holy and morally pure
through the yielding of our will to the Holy Spirits guidance and our embracing
of fellowship with God. This aspect of yielding to God is made possible by the
act of God associated with the first meaning and is also an obligation of it.
3) The third meaning is to describe the
beneficial state of being in which a person is saved from the problems of
difficulties associated with sin and/or discipline because of their embracing
of holy behavior through the obedience
that comes from yielding to the Holy Spirits guidance.
The forth meaning appears to be similar to the first in that it
describes a sate of being where someone or some group is specially marked or set aside in some way for special
treatment by God although it is not associated with justification or belief in
To 'positionally' render a person holy.
A work solely of God
Ref |
Text |
Term |
Interpretation |
I Thess 5:23 |
the God of peace Himself Sanctify you
entirely and may your body soul and spirit be preserved complete
without blame |
hagiazo |
Positionally render holy (without blame) and
to be protected from power of sin while in the body through the work
of Gods spirit (entirely). |
13:12 |
that He might sanctify his people through his own blood .. |
hagiazo |
rendered holy (without blame) |
11:16 |
the root is holy, the branches also |
hagios |
rendered holy by relationship |
17:17-19 |
prays, I sanctify myself that they may be sanctified in truth |
hagiazo |
Positionally render holy and without blame and to enable them to understand
truth |
10:10 |
are sanctified by the offering of the body of Jesus once and for all |
hagiazo |
Positionally render holy and without blame |
Cor 6:11 |
such were some of you but you were washed, were sanctified, were justified in
the name of Jesus and the Spirit of God |
hagiazo |
be given the Spirit of God that you might be able to avoid immortality |
Cor 1:2 |
those who have been sanctified in Jesus - saints by calling |
hagiazo |
be set aside for God positionally by calling |
15:16 |
might become acceptable, sanctified by the Holy Spirit |
hagiazo |
be made acceptable positionally by the work of God |
5:27 |
He might sanctify her (the church) by
washing of water and the word |
G40 hagios |
be made acceptable positionally by the work of Christ |
1:22 |
reconciled you through his death to present you blameless and holy |
G40 hagios |
be presented as a saint To be made acceptable positionally by the work of
Christ |
2. To be functionally holy while in mortal body
living a morally pure lifestyle
Ref |
Text |
Term |
Interpretation |
1 Cor 7:34 |
she may be holy in body and in spirit . |
G40 hagios |
That she might be morally pure in all ways |
12:1,2 |
you bodies a living and holy sacrifice |
G40 hagios |
for God and acting morally pure |
Cor 7:1 |
us cleans ourselves from all defilement of the flesh & spirit, perfecting
holiness in the fear of God |
hagiosune |
us get rid of all immoral behavior and thought |
To be protected from the power and effects of sin while in mortal body
Ref |
Text |
Term |
Interpretation |
Thess 2:13 |
from the beginning for salvation through sanctification by the spirit and
faith in the truth. |
hagiasmos |
for the benefits of protection from the power of sin |
12:14 |
pursue the sanctification without which none will see the Lord |
hagiasmos |
the state of sanctification to which you were called for without it you would
not be able to understand God. |
Thess 4:3-7 |
will is you sanctification, that you abstain from sexual immorality |
hagiasmos |
abstinence from immorality protects you from the difficulties (and
disciplines) of sin |
6:19 |
your members as slaves to righteousness resulting in sanctification |
hagiasmos |
righteously will protect you from sin |
6:22 |
now being freed from sin and enslaved to God you derive benefit, resulting in
sactification |
hagiasmos |
freed from sin (justified & indwelled) you derive the benefits of being
able to behave resulting in salvation from the effects of sin here on earth. |
4. To be set aside in some way for special treatment,
Ref |
Text |
Term |
Interpretation |
1 Cor 7:14 |
the unbelieving husband is sanctified through his wife |
G40 hagios |
The husband is set aside to be given
special treatment - perhaps the influence of the HS. |
11:16 |
is Holy for the Patriarchs sake |
hagios |
Israel is still God's special people for the sake of his promise to Abraham |
Paul uses the word sanctification, it is usually in the context of speaking to
people who have already become believers yet are having difficulty living a
morally pure lifestyle. This is evident especially in his first letter to
the Corinthians as well as
Colossians and 1 Thess. There are of
course exceptions such as 1 Cor 7:14 and Rom 11:16.
Romans 6-8 immediately follows Paul's doctrinal delineation of the
doctrine of justification by faith in chapters 1-4. Its is noteworthy that on
completion of his treatment of justification by faith he addresses
sanctification and the practical aspects of the Christian life as the
"what's next" for the believer.
I Cor 6:19-22 follows Paul's identification of a series of disorders in
the Corinthian church caused by their failure to make good moral
decisions. 1 Thess. chapter 4 opens
with Paul starting a new topic, the current walk of the Thessalonians believer.
This context is focused on the present day aspects of sanctification for the
Pauls epistles were written often to correct problems and incorrect teaching that was occurring in the young churches that were growing during the first century. Since there was a lot of transition occurring at the time, it is not unexpected that misunderstandings or false teachings would creep in. The transition from Law to Spirit as the motivating factor for leading a godly life was no doubt one of the most significant of the changes that required regular reinstatement. The Jewish system of Mosaic Law would still have been quite prevalent at the time and the churches did have jews in them.
In Paul's time there were a number of teachings on how to measure ones spirituality. It was against these teachings that Paul wrote on Sanctification. The concept of self-righteousness was one of the most prevalent teachings that Paul was trying to counter. Certainly when Paul was writing Romans he was addressing Jews a well as Gentiles so the background of Judaism.. It perceived human moral living as a means of justification. This is evidenced by Paul's argument against the "moralizers" in Rom. 2:16 and then the Jews in Rom. 2:16-3:10. These people regarded themselves as righteous because of the way the followed the letter of the Mosaic law in an outward way. Their view of holiness was related to their awareness of the laws, their outward religious practice and their position of standing in the Jewish community and as teachers of the Law. Paul and Jesus both spoke out against their hearts which were far from holy.
On another front, in Paul's letter
to the Corinthians, we find Paul addressing primarily non-Jewish Christians (1
Cor 12:2). These people came to Christ in a culture dominated by pagan
religious practices that were often sexually immoral. The city was known for
its wealth, luxury and immorality[1].
Here the 'wisdom of men' as spoken of by Paul in 1 Cor chapter 2 would have included the following powerful leaders who had wealth
and influence. The local religions also were known the eating of flesh, orgies,
temple prostitution and ecstatic speech. Here Paul is arguing against people
who would have been viewing there spiritual growth through the lens of human
achievement, power, and wealth. The description of what efforts for God will
survive Gods testing in 1 Cor chapter 3, bears this out.
Paul also wrote to
counter the teaching that since we are justified fully by grace and faith, our
behavior is of no consequence so we might as well go on sinning. This is seen
in Rom chapter 6. Perhaps the Romans system of classes and order may have
played a part in developing a thinking that once the positional aspect of
blamelessness had been achieved through faith in Christ, one could do what he
or she wanted. This would parallel the Roman system where the upper class could
do what they wanted to because of their position.
The Roman system of government as well as of status was very much
"class" or "order" oriented. Yet the ruling aristocracy
proved it was incapable of good government because of its utter disregard for
other classes of people. Even the courts of law were often corrupt . They tended
to protect their own order even in the face of flagrant crimes and oppress
other orders. Bribes were common and justice for conquered peoples impossible.
This anarchy among the polity led to anarchy among the people [2] . The Jewish system of government had its
own classes of leaders and typically they also measured themselves with a
double standard.
Paul's view of sanctification and holiness is much more than a process for becoming morally pure. In a broad sense it is a term describing the whole relational dynamic of being a child of God. The term can be used to describe our positional holiness on the merits of Christ, our obligation as sons of God, our process of becoming functionally holy or morally pure, or our salvation from the power and ultimately the presence of sin. However despite its broadness Paul sees sanctification as a holistic method for how people become Holy or spiritually mature. Here is how I think he perceived it works.
1) Paul's process begins by being chosen to receive the Holy Spirit (2 Thess 2:13), a sovereign choice of God. 2) Then having believed the Holy Spirit is given ( 1 Cor 6:11) and one is granted positional holiness. 3) Having the Holy Spirit gives one the mind of Christ 1 Cor 2:16) and provides the ability for them to know the ways of God. It also gives them the obligation (Rom 8:12) to follow Gods ways. 4) Knowing the things of God gives us an alternative to the things of the flesh. (Rom 6:6-19). No longer need one be a slave to sin since another option is now available (ie. following the spirit). 5) Then, as we set our mind on the Spirit (Rom 8:13 and 1 Cor 2:14-3:3), we can listen to Him and having listened, can choose to yield our will to Him. As we do this, our life is transformed. (Rom 12:2). Now our choices are aligned with Gods will and the result is a functionally holy lifestyle, moral purity and a better relationship (ie. fellowship) with God.
6) As our lifestyle is aligned with Gods ways, we are saved from the power of sin and its effects on us. These include the damaging effects of sin and the consequences of discipline by God. This is how we "work out our salvation" (Phil 2:12). 7) As we progress in being more Spirit led our lives will bear more fruit for the Kingdom of God and we will be granted more eternal reward. (1 Cor 3 and 2 Peter 1:5). 8) As we become mature in being Spirit led, we become more faithful and triumphant in the face of tribulations. As we persevere these tribulations the believer may be granted additional inheritance (reward) in that may in some way involve ruling with Christ in the age to come.
Should however, we refuse to set our minds on the spirit, refuse to listen to Him or refuse to surrender our will, then we are not able to experience the power of the Spirit and we will continue to live in sin (Ron 7:22-23) . We have given the flesh (our bodily desires) power to direct our actions and we now no longer living in fellowship with God. We then experience distance from God and certainly discipline as we sin. (Heb 12). Yet even in this Gods original sanctifying act is valid as our positional nature as one set aside for God is still there. Because of this God works to bring us back into fellowship through corrective discipline, the disciple of a loving father.
Principles Drawn
1. The source of our sanctification, holiness and any moral purity we might exhibit is God. His active relationship with us was defined by Him not us and despite what we might do, He works in all things for the good of his children.
2. The positional aspect of sanctification precedes and is required for any functional holiness to occur in ones life. Without the spirit, a mortal is a slave to sin. Without this enabling aspect of holiness, we could not be what He wants us to be. No set of laws combined in anyway with the heart of man can produce holiness.
3. Functional holiness (moral purity) is not optional for the believer. A believer is called to it and is obliged by the privileged relationship they have with God through Christ to live accordingly by yielding to the Spirit.
4. The progressive moral growth created by sanctification is not only a desire of a holy God, but also a benefit to those He chose, for the protective aspect of sanctification is a key element of salvation. To be protected from the power of sin while sin is yet present and we are yet mortal, shows us that God is interested in our lives here and now.
5. In a future sense, our sanctification will not be complete until we are thoroughly removed from the presence of sin. This is true from without and from within. Towards this we wait for this aspect of sanctification to be completed and again it is clear that this aspect too is the sovereign work of God.
6. 1 Cor 7 makes it clear that God is also at work in the lives of non-believers for his own purposes and there are special aspects of sanctification in terms of relationship to God for certain of those outside of Christ. It seems they are dedicated to God for his purposes. Perhaps this could be said of all creation yet where relationships are involved or promises are made, God gets specially involved.
7. The ultimate results of sanctification not only include protection from sin (penalty, power and presence) and more rewards in heaven but the growth of love as well. Of particular interest to me is that this method of developing a holy people for Himself does not produce arrogant or prideful people as the Mosaic law did, rather it seems to produces ones who love. I find it interesting that this parallels the greatest commandment so well. The law, as good as is was, did not produce lovers of God, yet sanctification not only does this, but in doing so creates the ability to do what the law demanded with proper motive. Indeed God does write on the human heart. So, in the end Jesus' statement about how the law is summed up in the first commandment is shown to be a consistent goal of God. He wants lovers of Him and His ways and the term sanctification encapsulates his way of growing them.
For me this study has
revealed a more holistic view of sanctification and the role each aspect of
it plays in refining us to be who God
wants us to be while preserving out free will and ability to love. There has
always been an awareness that as a sinful being I am incapable of being holy
before God except through Christ and a understanding that it is the work of the
Holy spirit that refines me, yet this study has shown me that the more I yield
to the Spirit the more I benefits of
sanctification I will receive and the more my heart will be conformed to
Christ not just my behavior.
Other new testament
writers also speak on sanctification. These include John in his gospel and
Peter in Hebrews and Luke in the book of Acts. In most of these cases the term
used is G37 'hagiazo'. John and Hebrews
both speak out on the positional aspect of sanctification.
John 10:36, John 17:19, Acts 20:32, Acts 26:18, 1 Tim 4:5, 2 Tim 2:21, Heb 2:11, Heb 10:10,
Heb 10:14,
Heb 10:29, Jude 1:1
sanctify, 6
John 17:17, John 17:19, Eph 5:26, Heb 13:12, 1 Pet 3:15
sanctifieth, 4
Matt 23:17, Matt 23:19, Heb 2:11, Heb 9:13
hallowed, 2
Matt 6:9, Luke 11:2
holy, 1
Rev 22:11
, James A. International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, Electronic Edition
Cedar Rapids: Parsons Technology, 1998.