BackDoor Bible Series |
Oasis of Respect Objective: To help us understand the relational principles of respect and how it should be demonstrated. Scripture Basis: Book of Ruth: Phil 4:19,Prov 19:20-21,1 Tim 5:4-6, Phil 2:3-4 Cast: Costumes: Style: Props: Host: Tonight we are going to have to use the time machine to do a little match making. You see tonight one of King David’s ancestors is about to foul up a relationship and we can't let that happen. You see, wedged between the relational fiasco's of Samson’s in Judges and the constant fighting between Saul and David in 1st Samuel, we find an oasis. It is not one of water in the desert but one of exceptional interpersonal principles displayed in the story of Ruth. The book describes the marriage of a young woman from Moad named Ruth and a Jewish landowner named Boaz. The marriage itself is touched on only as a matter of fact for it is the courtship and the background of the major characters that are the focus of the story. That said, lets go meet these folks . Let me open the Bible to the Book of Ruth and turn on the time machine Scene 1: (Ruth needs help
knowing what to do when Naomi decides to return to
Israel) Ruth: (On first entry) Hey where am I. I just opened the door to my room and instead … Where is this place. Who are you people? Host: Hello Ruth, don't be afraid. Welcome to Wed Night Live. It's the year _____ and we've brought you into the future for a few minutes to get to know you better. Why don't you come over hear and sit dowm. Ruth: You look funny what kind of person are you? Host: I'm Host. I'm a counselor and I help people work through problems in relationships. Ruth: Oh, well that's interesting, maybe you could help me with a problem I've been having. Host: Well sure what's up. Ruth: Well, you see my husband was killed a few years ago and I have been living with my mother in-in law. I have been helping to care for her since her husband was also killed. Recently she has decided to return to Isreal. You see she's Jewish and she wants to go home to her relatives. I am from Moab and I am really torn by her decision. Host: Really? Ruth: Well,if I stay in Moab, I could get me another man . I really would like to do that so I could have a family again. But Namoi is old and she needs me. If I go with her then I will have to leave my country and my friends and just forget about any hope of marrying again. You see Jewish men would never marry one of us Moabite women. What should I do? (express with energy ..) Host: Well lets see, what does the audience think? .. (listen to repsonses). I think you need to consider one of Gods principles of relationships and that is God wants us to be loyal to and and caring of our elder family members. (Read 1 Tim 5:4-6) . One of Gods principles in relationships is to do the right thing and let God provide you needs. Ruth: Hmmm , I see, so I should go with Naomi and trust God to provide a husband for me. Well that seems like a lot but I'll try it. Thanks. Well I'd better get back. Namomi will be looking for me. I need to let her know of my decision. Host: Ok, Lets send you back through our time machine. Come over here and walk through this door. Oh and if you have any more questions just snap your fingers three times and well bring you back again. Ruth: Thanks .(leaves through time
machine) Host: (adressing
audience) Well, that was nice to meet Ruth
… (Time machine flashes
– Boaz comes out) Scene 2:
(Boaz needs help to
know what to do when he finds a pretty foreign girl gleening in his
field) Host: Uh.oh. It looks like the time machine is activing again Boaz: Hey where am I. I just turned around and … Where is this place. Who are you people? Host : Hello, don't be afraid. Welcome to Wed Night Live. It's the year ____ and we've brought you into the future for a few minutes to get to know you better. Why don't you come over hear and sit dowm. Now whats your name Boaz: Its Boaz, say .. You look funny what kind of person are you? Host: I'm Host. I'm a counselor and I help people work through problems in relationships. Ruth: Oh, well that's interesting, maybe you could give me some advice on how to handle a touchy problem that I just came across. Host: Well sure what's up. Boaz: Well see I just was out surveying my fields and I noticed this young woman who I don’t know following the harvesters picking up left over barley from the field. She’s dressed like a foreigner, probably a Moabite I suspect. Anyway, she doesn’t belong here in my fields and I’m going to have to kick her out, but I’m feeling kind of bad about it since she looks a little thin and hungry and to make matters worse she is kind of cute. But I can’t have some foreigner gleening in my fields so how should handle it? Host .. Hmmmm. Well lets see, what does the audience think? .. (listen to repsonses). You know Boaz, I think you need to consider one of Gods principles of relationships and that is that God wants us to look on others as better than ourselves. (Read Phil 2:3-4). It sounds to me like you are stereotyping this woman as unworthy to be in your fields just because she is from a different town. Instead why don’t you go check her out. Then when you know who she is you can make a decision on what to do. Boaz: Hmmm. Ok I’ll ask around. Maybe someone knows who she is. Thanks. Well I’d better be getting back now. Host: Ok, Lets send you back through our time machine. Come over here and walk through this door. Oh and if you have any more questions just snap your fingers three times and well bring you back again. Boaz: Thanks .(leaves through time machine) Host: (adressing
audience) Well, that was nice to meet Boaz he seems like
a nice guy .. I wonder if
…… (Time machine flashes
– Boaz comes out)
3: (Boaz has learned about Ruth and needs help to know what to do next?) Host: Uh.oh. It looks like the time machine is activing again. I guess we didn’t have to wait long (Boaz Emerges) Oh its you again, I thought we just sent you back? Boaz: No’ its been a week since I was here, (looks confused) .. anyway I need some more advice. Host: Ok, well come on over and sit down. Boaz: Well I did like you said and I checked this woman out and you won’t believe what I learned. This woman is not really a foreigner. She is Namoi, one of our family widows, daughter in law. That makes her kind of family to me although somwhat distant family. She is actually taking car of Namoi and has a good reputation of being loyal and faithful to her. Host: Well good thing you checked. What did you do when you found out. Boaz: (getting excited) Well, I let her keep gleaning but now I need some more advice. I also learned that she’s a widow and since I’m single, and she’s very attractive, how should I approach her. Should I ask her out, should I …. Host: Boaz, Boaz, calm dowm. I think we need to consider another principle of good relationships here. But first maybe our audience has some advice. (listen to reponses) Well here’s my suggestion. I thinhk you should ask her out but first I want you to do two other things, first since she’s new in town and has no job she may be feeling very insecure do something to protect her dignity, give her some respect. Boaz: Well I could her a position with my other servants. Host: Good, then secondly be of assistance to her. Remember she is working hard to take care of an elderly woman. Make her work fruitful. Boaz: Well I could tell the harvesters to leave some grain behind on purpose that would make her work easier. Host: Great .. now your getting the hang of it. Now after you’ve done these things then you should give her some personal attention. Boaz: Great .. then I’ll take her to dinner and …. (Boaz is lost in thought for a second) . .. can you send me back now. Host: Ok, Ok Mr lover boy .. hold your horses, you’ve got plenty of time .. come on we’ll send you back through our time machine. (Boaz Returns) Host:
(addressing audience) Well do you think he’s getting
it? (Time Machine Flashes
and Ruth Emerges)
4: (Ruth needs help on
how to respond to Boaz's clearly interested behavior, Naom's way
is weird?) Ruth: (addressing Host) Hey it worked. I just snaped my fingers and I’m back here at Wed Night live. Say I really need your advice. Host: Ok, well come on over and sit down. What’s up now. Ruth: Well just like you said, I went with Naomi back to her land and when I was gleaning in a field there this man, he’s soo cute, named Boaz, well he’s the land owner, and well , he .. he Host: Ruth calm down.. just tell the story from the beginning. Ruth: Ok .. Well, I have never met a man like this. He actually treated me with respect even though I am a foreigner to him. He also took enough interest in my situation to learn about me. Then he gave me a special position among his workers and even told the harvesters to leave more gain to make my work easier.Host: Wow .. that’s great. Ruth: Yes and he even invited me over for dinner once, He is soooo romantic. Host: So whats the problem? Ruth: Well it’s about Naomi. See she’s telling me that if I want to let Boaz know I’m interested, I have do this really weird thing. I’m sure it won’t work and will probably just get me a bad reputation. Host: What did she tell you to do? Ruth: She told me to go to the threshing floor tonight where the men are sleeping (see when the harvest is going on the men all sleep there at night) .. anyway and she said that when Boaz is asleep, I should lay down at his feet and cover them with the corner of my dress. I don’t get this. I think I should just send him a card. Host: Hmmm. Well what does the audience think? (listen to responses) Well Ruth, I have another Biblical principle for you to apply. (Read Prov 19:20-21) Remember, you are in Namoi’s culture. She knows much better than you how to approach things in the Jewish culture. Listen to her and trust that she knows best in this matter. God tells us that when we listen to the advice of our parents w/repect to relationships that we will gain wisdom and things will go well. Ruth: Wll Ok .. but it does sond kinda weird. .. but I’ll try it. Thanks Host: come on we’ll send you back through our time machine. I think you’re gonna like what happens next. (Sends Ruth back) Host: . (addressing audience) .. Well I just don’t know. It’s a wonder that anybody back then had a good realtionship? (Time Machine Flashes and Boaz Emerges) Scene
5: (Boaz needs help when
he finds Ruth at his feet at the threshing floor) Boaz: Man I’m glad this finger snapping thing works so quickly. Dr Walkerman you won’t believe whats happening. Host: whats happening? Boaz: (sitting down) .. She’s sleeping at my feet and she’s even used the old custom of covering my feet to let me know she’ likes me and would be interested in marriage. Wow! … I’m so exited that I can’t even think. What should I do. Host: What do you think you should do? Boaz: Well I think I would like to jump up and yell hurray or something but I think that might be a bad plan. Host: Why’s that? Boaz: Well that would wake up all the others and then I’ have to tell them what’s happening and you see, I’m not Namomi’s closer relative. As soon as they know Ruth wants to marry again, in our culture Naomis closest relative has first dibs on her. So I think I need to keep this secret. Host: Well it sound like you need another Biblical principle of realtionships here. Does anyone in the audience know what it might be? (listen for responses). Hmm . Well first I do agree that you should not wake everybody up. When you go back, quitely acknowledge her message and then send Ruth away to protect her dignity. But after having done that you need to be honest. Go to the one who is closer related to Namomi and in public offer the privilege of marrying Ruth to him. Boaz: But Dr Walkerman, I want to marry her. I can’t offer her to another. Host: : We have a song we sing today. Its called Trust and Obey for there’s no other way. Do you trust God with your life Boaz? Boaz: Well yes I do. Host: Then if God desires Ruth to be your wife, your honesty in the situation will not prevent it, but if God desires otherwise, its better for you not to marry her. Do you agree? Boaz: Well when you put it that way.. yes I guess so. Host: Then go and hold up the rights of others before your own and let God handle the rest. Boaz: Ok .. your right .. Thanks Dr Walkerman, you’ve been a lot of help. I hope to see you again. Host: come on we’ll send you back through our time machine. I think you’re gonna like what happens next. (Send Boaz Back) Closing Message:
In the final paragraphs of Ruth we find the Lord blessing the lives of Boaz, Ruth and Naomi. Ruth is said to have been better than 7 sons, Naomi is said to have been renewed and sustained and Boaz became famous and had a son who was counted in the lineage of Christ. Not bad for people who simply treated others as more valuable than themselves. Ask the following questions
Our society teaches us
to compete with others for just about everything and this is one reason
why we have trouble valuing others. If you are like me and have trouble
with this. Consider Phil 4:19 … If it is truly our Lord that meets our
needs, why not value others instead of resenting them for competing
against us. From such a view you can only gain. * * * |