Further Not Faster
To teach kids that God desires us to act for him and in concert with him in a number of different areas of life going further and further with him and not just be a ‘fast’ or ‘instant’ christian.
A PineWood Catapult Car competition .Plans are available at www.PineWoodAlternatives.com as a download for about $25.
Note: The 5 T’s below can be marked off as zones on the Catapult track described in the above mentioned competition. Cars will travel down the track through trust, then time, etc, etc into the last zone of testimony. You can paint the track zones different colors and add labeling. How large each zone is depends on how long a track and how strong a catapult you build.
Students Teach Students
Read John 10:10 .. What do you think it means. Does it include an improved life here on earth? I think it does and I think that God measures out his power to bless us in our lives as we demonstrate something. And that something I call "being rich towards God."
What is greed? Discuss ..
Do any of you consider yourself greedy ?
Read Luke 12: 15-21
Here we find a man who spent all his time saving stuff in barns, God called him a fool and took his life. He goes on to explain that this is how it will be for all who are not "rich towards God.
Read: Duet 11:13-15 & then 26
Read John 5:1-4
Now we all know that nothing we do can earn salvation for us - Jesus paid that price wholly for us. But scripture is full of references that indicate that our lives will be much better here on earth when we love God and keep his commandments. It also is full of references to rewards being given in heaven for our service on earth. Now most of us understand this but do we realize that there is a correspondence between being rich towards God in an area of our life and his richness toward us in that same area. For remember, not all commandments begin with "Thou shalt not", some begin with "Thou shalt".
Lets look at some Examples of being rich towards God – I call them the five T's
- Trust: Prov 3:5-6 (challenge kids that the more we depend not on what we have learned but on God to direct us, the more good decisions we make and the more our lives benefit from them. Is your faith growing ? Without faith it is impossible to please God ..Heb 11:6
- Time: Give the first day (1 in 7) to God Gen 2:3 : Ex 20-9 (challenge kids that if they can't find time, can't keep up with life then see if your being "rich towards God in this.)
- Treasure : Give the first 10th to God cheerfully Mal 3:8-10 (challenge kids that if they are having financial problems are you being rich towards God in this area of your life.) NT concept – cheerful giving and willing to sacrifice for others that he has has much should not have too much and he who has liltte might have enough
- Talents: Give our lives to God as living sacrifice Matt 25:14-29 .. Do you want abundant blessings in the form of Him blessing the work of your hands. Have you been rich towards God with your talents, or will even what you have be taken from you.
- Testimony: John 15:1-6, then Luke 13:6 (challenge kids that producing fruit is every Christians Job #1. Are you building barns or are you being rich towards God ?
Some of you, need to make changes in your lives today. You are living just like the rich man. Your saved and you have a marginal involvement in church but the only one you are being rich to is yourself. Everything you do, is for you. Your friends are for you, the work you do is for you and your time is for you. If this is true for you remember the parable of the fig tree. What fruit will God find in your life next year.