I believe that God knows those
who are his, has chosen them, drawn them, deposited his Spirit within
them, created a special relationship with them and will not abandon them even
if they fail in some area of faith or behavior. This I believe is the basis for
believing in eternal security. However there are many among us who believe
that heaven can be forfeited and support
this with a number of scriptures. Now it is true that these scriptures can lead
one to conclude that a believer must ‘persist’ in belief and/or deeds until
death in order to avoid hell and gain heaven. So it is in the face of these
passages that this article is written.
Before I address the scriptures directly
it is important in addressing this topic to understand that the New Testament
writers lived and breathed in a day when God's hand was very much against
Here are a number of scripture passages
that indicate in one way or another that people must "continue" to
believe the gospel and/or to to follow Christ in order to be saved
· 2 John 1:8-91
· Corinthians 15:
· Romans 2:7
· John 15:5-6
But there are also passages that indicate that in Jesus Salvation is guaranteed
on belief. These include;
1 Peter
Thessalonians 2:13
1:13-14 and 4:30
8:28-30 and 8:38-39
There are also passages that warn people not to “fall away” such as the
difficult Heb 6:6, but then there are also passages that show that” falling
away” is not permanent if you are Christ’s elect. This is seen clearly in
the example of the disciples falling away in Matt 26:31. Yet before it
happends Jesus predicts that all will
fall away as seen in Mark 14:27 and then after it does Jesus says he “knows” his disciples them and
assures that not one will be lost and then He himself brings them back (John 16). This example is further supported
by passages that tell us the the power to continue in belief is given to people
by God. These include ;
So which is true? How do you handle these passages. The best answer I
have at this time is this;
The Old Covenant
The New Covenant
During the OT the Holy Sprit was
actively working and on the behalf of
Gods children yet alas
... seals us ……………………….2 Cor 1:22, Eph 4:30: Eph 1:13-14
... guarantees what is to come …2 Cor 1:22 & 5:5
... enables belief & testifying …..2 Cor 4:13
The key concept here is that the
power to persevere or even return from some aspect of “falling away” is
Gods. He will not abandon his elect even if they become faithless for a
time. Therefore his spirit will enable belief and will not leave you. For this
reason Paul could pen Rom 8:38-39. You see, the term “falling away” in our
society would seem to denote a permanent disinterest in something, yet in
biblical writings the term is much more associated with what we would call
So then the question must be answered , Why all the warnings in scripture “to
continue”?. Some of this is understandable if you realize that during the
period of the initial conversions of Jews and gentiles there was a transitional
period before indwelling was automatic. This is seen early in Acts in the case
of the believers in Acts 8:16. They believed but had not yet received the
HS. In the face of such a time, the warnings could have been valid. Today they
would not. The other passages that indicate in one way or another
that people must “continue” to believe the gospel and/or to to follow Christ in
order to be saved are understood in one of the following ways ;
· 1 Corinthians 15:2 is a hypothetical, the case made by Paul is further clarified in 15:14. It is not teaching on loss of salvation but he is making a case against those who deny the resurrection.
· John 15:5-6 is a metaphor describing the contrast between believers and non-believers as the term “abide” is a statement of permanent dwelling. It does not refer to persistence. The NIV translation of abide to “remain” in this verse is unfortunately miss-leading. See KJV or NASB and our article found at
Others such as Rom 11:22 are understandable in
face of Gods apparent abandonment of
· There an a number of verses (2 John 1:8-9, Romans 2:7, Col 1:23) where the aspect of salvation that is in focus is not loss of eternal life but rather loss of “salvation” from the power of sin in ones life during life on earth and being turned over to difficulty or in the case of Col 1:23 having no “reproving” required nor “accusation”. These are “sanctification” passages” not “justification” ones. You see the word “saved” is scripture does not always refer to eternal life . For in scripture we “were saved” eternally from the penalty of sin when we believed, we “are being saved” from the power of sin as we yield to the spirit and we “will be saved” (from the presence of sin) someday in heaven. This is a key message of 1 Cor 1:30 . I have posted a word study of the word “saved” showing which NT verses are using it in terms of eternal life and which are using in terms of being saved during life from the results of sin. Salvation terms are often used in the NT as being related to being saved from difficulty, chastening or even early death rather than referring to eternal life or the possibility of lose of rewards and despite being saved eternally being ashamed at the judgement seat of Christ. (See 1 Cor 3:8-15) These include the dire warnings of Hebrews chapter 6 and 12 which are often misinterpreted as pointing to the inability of a “fallen away” person to be “restored” to eternal life.. These Hebrews passages are the topic of an entire research paper I have placed on our website in the Articles section called the Warnings of Hebrews Take the time and read it for it shows how these warnings cannot be used to justify loss of salvation doctrine unless you ignore the context of the letters recipients. In the context of being written to a group of Hebrew believers under persecution who were about to abandon their faith these passages actually support eternal security and describe the painful restoration process associated with being disciplined by God if one who is chosen turns away from God. For many give insufficient weight to the implications of how God judged and disciplined Israel in OT times while not abandoning them and not seeing the OT quotes and references in the context a 1st century Jewish Christian.
So in summary, I believe that Christ’s
elect cannot lose their salvation from the penalty of sin and their eternal
life. I believe the reason is for the sake of Christ himself and that the
method by which our Lord insures this is by giving the power to “continue in
belief” as part of indwelling of the Holy Spirit. This indwelling of the
believer is a basic element of the New Covenant for here God “writes his
ways on the believers hearts”. (Eph 1:13-14).
Continuation of the elect is not optional. I further believe that the passages
that indicate that continuation is required are either reference to salvation
from the power of sin during life and are blessings or rewards oriented as
described above.
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